Holiday Inn Resort · Le Touquet Paris Plage

Around the hotel

Our location

Between the sea and the forest

The Holiday Inn Resort Le Touquet features an ideal location in the heart of the most elegant seaside resort on the Côte d’Opale. Located between the sea and the forest, the hotel offers numerous activities in the great outdoors: from golf outings to sand yachting, not to mention horseback tours, there is no end to the activities you’ll enjoy with friends or incentive opportunities with work colleagues. Our immediate proximity to the city centre is perfect to enjoy the life of a local denizen, enjoying the local market or walking or biking to the professional events and tourist activities that take place throughout the year.

  • The beach

     15 mn
     5 min

  • Tennis Court in Le touquet

     5 mn
     2 min

  • Golfing in Le touquet

     20 mn
     5 min

  • Equestrian Centre

     15 mn
     5 min

  • Nautical Center

     20 mn
     5 min

  • Nausicaa Aquarium

     6 h
     30 min

  • City Centre, boutiques, market.

     15 mn
     2 min

  • Convention Centre

     5 mn
     2 min

Discover the Géolike

Activities and services nearby

Consult this menu to explore the services and activities nearby the Holiday Inn Resort Hotel Le Touquet-Paris-Plage: restaurants and bars, sports facilities, shows, cinemas, cultural sites…

And make sure to check out our personal favourites. You’ll be sure to find some wonderful surprises!

Map of points of interest

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